Class Information & Descriptions
Full-length classes run in sessions that generally start several times throughout the year — January, March, May, August or September, and September or October — and include 6 or 7 weeks per class. “Mini class sessions” of 3 or 4 weeks are also sometimes offered (typically in the summer and at the end of the year).
Most classes are held indoors at Star City Canine Training on Apperson Drive. Agility classes are OUTDOORS at the facility on Mudlick Road, and some Scent Sport classes may be “out and about” in various indoor and outdoor locations.
You and your dog will learn, through fun games and activities, how to successfully maneuver through agility sequences to complete full competition courses. We will help you build basic handling skills and teach you how to perform all agility obstacles safely. Dog Training classes are held indoors in January and outside at our Mudlick Field the rest of the year.
Agility Class Descriptions
(Note that other classes may be offered and all classes are not necessarily offered in every session.)
Agility Foundations 1
This agility class is designed for beginning foundational groundwork to create a strong, fun bond with your dog in an outdoor environment at Mudlick field. Training will concentrate on connection activities, leash control, focus activities, targeting with treats and/or toys, recall and sends, start line procedures. Obstacles used will include hoops, jumps with no bar height, tunnels, barrels, low dog walk and short handling sequences.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be a minimum age of 6 months old and have completed a basic obedience class or equivalent training with instructor approval. Current rabies vaccination required by first class.
Agility Foundations 2: Introduction to Agility Contacts
This agility class is designed to continue foundational groundwork skills including start line procedures, shadow handling, circle cone work, directional handling, introduction to contact performance on lowered dog walk, teeter, table, A frame, beginning with flat board exercises. Handling training will continue with short sequences utilizing contacts learned, hoops, tunnels, winged jumps, barrels and reinforcing start line procedures.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be a minimum age of 6 months old. Completion of Foundations 1 or Beginner agility classes or equivalent training with instructor approval. Skill level will be evaluated in the first class. Dogs should be in control, on leash while other dogs are training in the fenced ring.
Agility Foundations 3: Weave Poles & More
This agility class will concentrate on introducing and reinforcing channel weave training and may be taken more than once. Short sequences reinforcing contact performance on the dog walk, A frame and teeter to full height. Handling training will continue with more advanced sequences such as discriminations, pinwheels utilizing hoops, tunnels and jumps while reinforcing start line procedures.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be a minimum age of 10 months to participate. Completion of Foundations 2, or above agility classes, or equivalent training with instructor approval. Skill level will be evaluated in first class. Must have start line procedure and recall skills. Dogs should be in control, on leash while other dogs are training in the fenced ring.
NADAC Agility: Intro/Novice
This agility class continues training on contact obstacles including 6 weave poles with emphasis on proofing skills and will include longer sequences with a focus on distance handling skills enabling the handler to direct their dogs through various courses at the Intro/Novice level.
Prerequisites: Completion of Foundations 2 or above agility classes or equivalent training with instructor approval; must have start line procedure and recall skills. Skill level will be evaluated in first class. Dogs should be in control, on leash while other dogs are training in the fenced ring.
NADAC Agility: Open/Elite Level
This agility class is designed for teams that are training at full height obstacles including 6 – 12 weave poles. Teams will work longer sequences and practice courses up to the Elite level with focus on proofing performance and refining handling skills NADAC style.
Prerequisites: This agility class is designed for teams who plan to compete regularly in Open/Elite Level NADAC or are currently competing. Completion of Handling 101 or above agility classes or equivalent training with instructor approval, dogs should have start line procedure and recall skills. Skill level will be evaluated in first class. Dogs should be in control, on leash while other dogs are training in the fenced ring.
Agility Distance Handling Coaching
This agility class is designed to build distance handling skills using drills and short sequences to encourage dogs to drive ahead. Starting with cone work and bucket targeting that will teach your dog to take the obstacles your body language is telling the dog to perform. Target training will be useful for this course using high value toys that can be thrown. Handling coaching will include pin wheels, 180’s and discriminations utilizing lateral distance skills and layering of obstacles.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be a minimum age of 10 months to participate. Completion of Foundations 2, or above agility classes, or equivalent training with instructor approval. Skill level will be evaluated in first class. Must have start line procedure and recall skills. Dogs should be in control, on leash while other dogs are training in the fenced ring.
Enrollment in Dog Training Classes may start as early as 10 weeks of age (Puppy Kindergarten), to establish a foundation of good behavior along with socialization and addressing common puppy problems, all the way through adulthood where your canine partner might achieve the Canine Good Citizen award from the American Kennel Club. Classes are offered at the Beginner level for good manners as well as Advanced level/Competition classes if your goal is to prepare for AKC Obedience and Rally trials.
Obedience & Rally
(Note that other classes may be offered and all classes are not necessarily offered in every session.)
Puppy Kindergarten
Congratulations on your new puppy. What an exciting time for you and your family! Our puppy class, for puppies 8-18 weeks of age, is planned to guide you through the critical stages of your puppy’s development with emphasis on socialization, prevention of problems and teaching basic manners and commands.
Prerequisites: Puppies must be 8-18 weeks on the date of the first class.
Beginner Level 1 Obedience
This class is designed for older puppies and dogs with no previous obedience training. You will learn how to teach your dog using scientifically proven reward based training techniques that will lay the foundation for effective communication, understanding, and form a strong relationship with your canine companion. Beginner 1 includes instruction for the following skills: attention, sit, down, wait, recall/come, stay, stand, leash walking, as well as good manners.
Prerequisites: None
Beginner Level 2 Obedience
In this more advanced beginner class, dog/handler teams will cement the learning and extend the skills from Beginner Level I. Skills include: attention, sit/down stay, heel position, heeling/controlled walking, and preparation for Canine Good Citizen class. Beginner 2 is generally the prerequisite for CGC, rally, and agility classes.
Prerequisites: Beginner Level 1 or another previous obedience class.
Canine Good Citizen Class/Evaluation
CGC class prepares dog/handler teams for AKC’s Canine Good Citizen evaluation. Basic obedience skills are practiced as well as such real life situations as walking through a crowd, separation from the owner, etc.
Prerequisites: Beginner Level 2 skills are strongly encouraged and serve as the prerequisite for this course.
AKC Rally Intermediate/Advanced Course Practice
During this class, you will practice using the knowledge and skills taught in Advanced Rally Introduction, in a coursework format. Both Novice and Advanced signs will be used. Focus will be on course work while fine tuning the footwork, heeling and fluency in preparation for competition. This class may need to be taken more than once.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of AKC Rally Advanced Introduction class. Knowledge and practice of Novice and Advanced level signs for both handler and dog. Dogs able to heel proficiently and work off lead reliably.
AKC Rally Intermediate/Advanced Course Practice
During this class, you will practice using the knowledge and skills taught in Advanced Rally Introduction, in a coursework format. Both Novice and Advanced signs will be used. Focus will be on course work while fine tuning the footwork, heeling and fluency in preparation for competition. This class may need to be taken more than once.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of AKC Rally Advanced Introduction class. Knowledge and practice of Novice and Advanced level signs for both handler and dog. Dogs able to heel proficiently and work off lead reliably.
AKC Rally Excellent Course Practice
During this class, you will practice using the knowledge and skills, taught in Rally Excellent Introduction, in a coursework format. All AKC Rally signs thru Excellent will be used. Focus will be on coursework while fine tuning the footwork, heeling and fluency in preparation for competition. This class may need to be taken more than once.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of AKC Rally Excellent Introduction class. Knowledge and practice of Excellent level signs for both handler and dog. Dogs able to heel proficiently and work off lead reliably.
Competition AKC Rally Excellent/Master
This class is designed for the team that has completed the Rally Excellent class. During this Excellent/Master Rally class, you will use the skills previously learned to do preset Rally Courses. You will practice the rules, skills, and exercises necessary to be successful in Rally Excellent/Master.
Prerequisites: Dog/handler must have been in Rally Advance Practice class or have approval of instructor or obedience chair.
Nose work, tracking and barn hunt all tap into your dog’s desire to hunt. They build confidence, help reactive dogs, tire puppies, and are fun for everyone – dogs love using their nose. We will help you hone your dog’s natural scenting ability from beginner to competition level and beyond.
Scent Sports
(Note that other classes may be offered and all classes are not necessarily offered in every session.)
K9 Nose Work® Intro to Exteriors and Vehicles
This class builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the Intro to K9 Nose Work® by adding the exterior and vehicles elements.
Prerequisites: Intro to K9 Nose Work® must be completed prior to this class. Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or in their vehicle in-between their turns. No age limit or skill level is required.
K9 Nose Work® Intro to Odor
This class builds on the dog’s knowledge & skills for the game and the expectation for the search. This is incredibly valuable when building a good and positive association with odor using pairing and self-reward.
Prerequisites: K9 Nose Work® Intro to Exteriors and Vehicles must be completed prior to this class. Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or in their vehicle in-between their turns. No age limit or skill level is required.
Scent Work Novice Continued
This class is for teams that are currently working on odor. It is for those teams who are trialing at the Novice level, plan to, or have successfully completed Intro.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or vehicle in between their turns. Dogs should be trained on odor or have taken Introduction to Nosework and Introduction to Odor classes.
Scent Work Novice Competition Prep
Novice competition prep scent work class.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or in their vehicle in-between their turns. No age limit or skill level is required.
Scent Work Advanced – Continued
This will be an Out and About class.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or in their vehicle in-between their turns. No age limit or skill level is required.
Scent Work Elite/Masters – Continued
This will be an Out and About class.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to stay quiet in a crate and/or in their vehicle in-between their turns. No age limit or skill level is required.
This training encourages positive human-animal interactions and prepares you and your canine to complete the Pet Therapy Evaluation sanctioned by Pet Partners, Inc . Registered Pet Therapy Teams may voluntarily conduct therapy dog visits at nursing homes, hospice, hospitals, schools, libraries, and a host of other organizations.
Pet Therapy
(Note that other classes may be offered and all classes are not necessarily offered in every session.)
Pet Therapy/Evaluation
This class will prepare you with your canine for the Pet Therapy Team Evaluation, specifically via Pet Partners, Inc. Throughout this course, you will learn proper Pet Therapy Team procedures, expectations, and how to be successful in engaging in Pet Therapy and/or Animal Assisted Therapy work.
Prerequisites: AKC CGC certificate or permission of the Pet Therapy Course Instructor. It is helpful for you to have completed the Pet Partner on-line HANDLER course prior to attending this class.
Perfect entering and competing in AKC/UKC Conformation shows.
(Note that other classes may be offered and all classes are not necessarily offered in every session.)
Conformation Handling
Our handling class is designed with owner-handlers in mind and provides basic information for competing in AKC/UKC conformation shows as well as ring procedure, hands-on examinations, and practice time in the ring.

Class Information
- All class registrations are online for members and the general public.
- Classes do tend to fill so you should register in advance. Class availability is on a first registered-first rostered basis.
- Registrations are for one dog/one handler teams unless otherwise stated.
- Dogs must be leashed and under control at all times unless you are instructed to unleash your dog by the instructor.
- Please clean up after your dog.