Class Policies


  • 4 weeks $80
  • 5 weeks $100
  • 6 weeks $120
  • 7 weeks $140          


Registration is on a first come, first served basis unless otherwise stated in the Class Description.  NO ONE is to show up for a class without registering first (no “drop ins”).  Online registration typically opens approximately 3 weeks prior to the first class of the session and closes 1 week to a few days prior to the start of classes (earlier if a class fills).  Check website frequently.

  1. Visit the club website to register for the class you wish to attend.  Complete the registration and submit your payment either online using Paypal or click on “Pay by check”.  Payment by check should be brought to first day of class (make check out to SCCTC).  There is a $35 fee for all returned checks.
  2. Compliance with Club’s Vaccination Policy is a requirement to participate in classes (records must show dog is up to date on Rabies and DHPP per Policy*) and can be submitted by 1) emailing to Training Director ( or 2) brought to the first class or 3) uploaded during the online registration process.  Documents should clearly include the handler and dog name under which it is being registered for class.   *Complete policy details can be found under VACCINATION POLICY.
  3. There is a separate registration for each class taken.  A single class registration is for one dog, one handler team.  Each dog must be registered separately. Each of these registrations counts as one “seat” in the class.
  4. Students should receive an email acknowledgement of their registration within a couple of days of registering.  If you believe you have registered, but have not received any kind of email acknowledgement, first check your SPAM folder (the automated acknowledgement should be From: Star City Canine Training Club with Subject of:  Class Registration Confirmation).  If you’re unsure of your registration status, reach out to the appropriate Training Chair below for your class.
  5. WAIT LIST:  If a class is full but you are still interested in it, we encourage students to request to get on the WAIT LIST by sending an email to the appropriate Training Chair below with: Your name, Dog name, Class Name, Day/Time.  Cancellations and no shows can and do occur, so if you’re interested, be sure to let us know you want to get on the Wait List.



Class fees should be pre-paid online upon registration or are due the first night of class (no exceptions).  Cash or check accepted (made out to SCCTC).   There is a $35 fee for all returned checks.


There will be no refunds after the first night of class with dogs (i.e. second night for Puppy Kindergarten and any other classes whose first class is “without dogs”).  If, after the first class “with dog” (and prior to the second class) a student discovers the class is not a fit, and would like to request a refund, they should contact their Instructor requesting to drop the class to receive a refund.  Any refund will then be coordinated with Instructor, Training Chair and Treasurer and may take several weeks. 


Students taking consecutive classes will receive a $10.00 discount code*.  These coupons shall be distributed to students prior to the opening of next class session’s online registration.  If a student attempts to register for the next class but is unable to attend because the class was full, the student may use their coupon for the next session of classes.  A student (dog/handler) team is limited to the use of one coupon per class session.  *Coupon use is not applicable to Club Training Members.


If a student “no shows” for a class, SCCTC may, at its discretion, prohibit student from enrolling in future classes or require pre-payment of class fees for future class enrollment.  A “no show” is defined as any student who does not attend the first class or notify the Instructor that they will not be able to attend the first class.   “No shows” are disruptive and disrespectful since they may be taking the spot from someone else who wanted to sign up for the class.   No refund of pre-paid class fees shall be made to “no shows”.


Drop-ins after the close of registration are not allowed unless approval has been made by both Training Chair AND Instructor and all standard registration paperwork has been completed. 


Minimum class size is 4.  The maximum number shall be at least 6 and will be shown in the class description during the signup process.  The maximum is determined by the class type with Training Chair and Instructor agreement.   Classes with enrollment of less than 4 students will be canceled* and any pre-paid class fees will be refunded.  *At the sole discretion and agreement of the Training Committee, special situations where a class of less than 4 may be allowed to occur.


The Club offers the following for sale as courtesy to students:  6’ cotton leashes; gentle leaders, easy walk harnesses, and treat bags.  For gentle leaders, it is wise to choose a color that closely resembles the dogs coloring so that the dog is less likely to see the gentle leader on their nose.  Make sure the equipment is fitted and worn the way the brochure indicates.  If you are interested in any of these items, please ask the Instructor.


No child under 9 years of age can handle a dog in class.  Children meeting age requirements may train the dog with an adult in close proximity to supervise.  If the child is not able to handle the dog, the adult will be asked to take control.  An adult must be present for entire class for any child under the age of 18.  Parents who are trainers are welcome to bring children with them to the training facilities as long as the children are quiet and well-behaved.  Only one person handles the dog during class.


All persons signed up for Puppy, Obedience Beginner and Agility Foundations classes must be in attendance the first night unless prior arrangements have been made.  Certificates are awarded to beginning class levels of Obedience and Agility. For a certificate to be earned, the dog must attend 4 classes out of a 6 weeks class and 5 weeks out of a 7 week class and be in compliance with the skill requirements for the class. Instructors should announce this the first night of class.


The Board of Directors of SCCTC has ruled that Wolf-hybrids will not be admitted to classes.  However, owners may take the class without the animal in attendance. 

Aggressive dogs will be evaluated case by case.  If the dog is known to be aggressive prior to class, the training chairperson will make an appointment for a private evaluation at the training center.   The instructor of the class the dog would be in should also be included in the evaluation.  The instructor will make a recommendation to the training committee (comprised of the Agility, Obedience & Scent Sports Chair plus the Training Director) and a joint decision will be reached concerning whether the dog will be allowed to train in a group class.  If the instructor is not qualified to perform an evaluation, SCCTC will recommend several names to the handler.  After the handler has the dog evaluated, the evaluator and the instructor will communicate the results to the training committee.  Owners must be made aware that if the instructor deems it necessary, they may be asked to muzzle the dog for class participation.  If the dog proves to be a danger, it will be removed from class.  The owner would then have the option of coming to class without a dog or receiving a refund.  If a situation does occur, instructors should notify the Training Director and the applicable Training Chair within 24 hours.   


Any dog that is showing signs of illness such as runny eyes, coughing, sneezing, diarrhea, vomiting and/or listlessness should not be brought to class.  If the instructor sees a dog in class that is sick, he/she has the right to ask that dog to be taken home.  Females in season will be allowed in class only with approval of the instructor.  If the instructor feels a female in season will be disruptive to the class, the owner/handler may opt to (A) attend class without the dog OR (B) receive a credit of $20 per class missed toward the next session.  (ex. person/dog misses three weeks of class, they could attend the next session with a credit of $60).  A veterinary certificate is required to receive this credit for Bitch-in-season or return from a canine illness.  Puppies/dogs are not allowed to socialize before, during or after class unless it is during a supervised activity/play.  This is for health and safety reasons as well as to keep distractions to a minimum. 

VACCINATION POLICY (last revised 7/31/23):

The Star City Canine Training Club (SCCTC) has adopted the following vaccination policy for the well being of dogs, their owners and handlers.

Puppies must be at least 12 weeks of age by the second class to be allowed in Puppy Class or at Club Facilities.  If a puppy 8 weeks to 11 weeks is given a letter of approval from their veterinarian stating the puppy is up to date on vaccinations and in good health, the puppy will be allowed to take the Puppy Class.  This letter must be sent with the class application or given to the instructor the first night of class. If a veterinarian does not feel the puppy should be in class before 12 weeks of age, the owner may come to class without the puppy, and when the puppy reaches 12 weeks of age, the puppy may then join the class.

In accordance with VA state law up to date rabies vaccinations are required and proof shall be provided in the form of a rabies vaccination record from a licensed veterinarian for dogs over the age of four months. Titers for rabies vaccinations are not acceptable as proof according to VA state law.

SCCTC also requires core vaccines for “DAPP” or “DHPP” (Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis/Adenovirus, Canine Parvovirus, and Canine Parainfluenza), typically given as a 1 or 3 year vaccine (records must indicate if vaccination given is a 1 or 3 year vaccine).   Titers for these core vaccines are acceptable, but must be updated at least every 3 years.  If an owner gives his/her own vaccines, we will need a copy of the receipt of vaccine purchase, whether it is a 1 year or 3 year vaccine and the date it is administered in writing.  Owners will be required to submit proof of vaccinations or titers as they are updated. These copies stay on file with SCCTC. 

For class participants, it is the instructor’s responsibility to give all vaccination records not submitted online to the Training Director after the first class. Owners who have not provided proof of vaccination by the second week of class will be asked to take class without their dog until they submit proof of vaccination. 

These vaccination requirements shall apply to all dogs taking classes (including at Club Facilities or at any other location where a SCCTC class is conducted) and to Club Member dogs (and their out of town guests) using Club Facilities as part of their membership benefits.

“Club facilities” are defined as inside the Building and inside the fenced Agility fields.  Since the areas outside of the Building and Agility Fields can be accessed by the public, they are not included.

For trials and seminars taking place at Club Facilities, it shall be up to the sponsoring organization (eg. AKC, etc.) and Club organizer of the event to determine the vaccination requirements for participants and shall be responsible for posting the requirements and collecting any vaccinations records as needed and forwarding those to the Training Director.

If you feel you have a special circumstance that prohibits you from complying with SCCTC’s vaccination policy and would like to see if you may be able to get an exemption*, contact the Training Director to arrange to submit a Request for Vaccination Exemption to be voted on by the Board of Directors.

*The vaccination exemption follows the Code of Virginia, 3.2-6521.D which states: The Board of Health shall, by regulation, provide an exemption to the requirements of subsection A if an animal suffers from an underlying medical condition that is likely to result in a life-threatening condition in response to vaccination and such exemption would not risk public health and safety. For the purposes of § 3.2-6522, such exemption shall mean that the animal is considered not currently vaccinated for rabies. For the purposes of §§ 3.2-5902, 3.2-6526, and 3.2-6527, such exemption shall be considered in place of a current certificate of vaccination.

Revised 7-1-24.